Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US

May 6, 2012

Buy "Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US" Deals

You are interested in Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US You come right!! Best Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US Product is low prices and guarantee quality Guarantee!!

By Brand: Penthouse
Asin Product: B002RT4QU2

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"Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US Reviews"

"Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US" Feature

  • Women's PH423-CHASITY, 4.5" Knee High Side Satin Laceup Boot by Penthouse Shoes
  • Women's 5-12

"Penthouse Women's Chasity Knee High Boot,Black,9 M US" Overview

PH423-CHASITY-BLACK-9-M Color: Black, Size: 9 Chasity Boot by Penthouse Features: -Women's Chasity Boot. -Available in whole sizes only. -Available in Medium width only. -The sole is constructed from rubber. -The upper is constructed from patent polyurethane material. -Part of the Chasity collection. -Suede insole. -Knee high with side satin lace up. -4.5'' heel height. -Available in Black (PH423-CHASITY-BLACK). Need help finding or measuring the right size for you? Need to convert your size between country standards? Click here to see our Size Guide!
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